Editorial platform conceived, curated and designed by CRSL, nurturing the bond between us and our planet through the lens of selected photographers.

concept, curation, design, social media

Arxipelag transports readers on a journey into the extraordinary, unveiling original perspectives, niche aesthetics, and lesser-known places, shining a spotlight on the unique viewpoints of its talented contributors.

In the overwhelming abundance of visual inputs we experience every day, the role of curation is of primary importance. This insight led us to create Arxipelag, aiming to select the very best in photography that captures the relationship between travel, nature and art, reigniting our love and curiosity for the wonders surrounding us.

The extraordinary photographers featured on Arxipelag at the moment of the launch were: Charlotte Lapalus, Maximilian Virgili, Denis Boulze, Mattia Parodi, Mattia Balsamini, Andrea Pugiotto, Cornelius Kaess.

“The launch of Arxipelag in January 2024 is very important to me as it represents a second step – after Food Pirate Studios – of CRSL transition from a regular services company to a more entrepreneurial brand. Arxipelag will also broaden our creative horizons, bringing even more influences on our tables. And that’s not all for 2024, this is just the beginning.”


Enrico Caputo, CRSL founder

The website is designed to reflect Arxipelag’s ambition to be an amphibious creature, something in between a magazine, a gallery, a content agency, an archive and a highly curated photography research project.

Complete focus on imagery, generous white space in the article page and a rigorous typographic identity.

Arxipelag employs LL Catalogue, a typeface designed by Nazareno Crea for Lineto. Its strangely beautiful details and proportions provide a distinctive character in large sizes while being suitable for longer text.

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