A global photography journey exploring nature, creativity, travel and identity.
Curation, creative direction, editorial design.

The first printed issue of Arxipelag Magazine is an extraordinary photography anthology exploring themes such as nature, identity, travel and creativity.
Featuring renowned and emerging photographers from all over the world, Arxipleag Volume I—From zero presents a renewed and nuanced way of looking at the intimate relationship between human and nature.
The 256 pages volume, with four alternative covers with photographs by Denis Boulze, Daniel Benson, Alecio Ferrari and Luke Evans, is highly curated in design, materials and content.
This issue includes twenty photo stories taking the reader on a journey through Belgium, Brazil, China, England, Ethiopia, France, Greece, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Nepal, Peru, South Korea, Tanzania and Thailand.

Arxipelag Magazine is available for purchase on arxipelag.com and selected bookstores across Europe.

Creative Director & Editor in chief: Enrico Caputo
Photo Editor: Alessandro Campisi
Editor & Art Director: Kim Costantino
Jr Art Director: Greta Garuti
Graphic Design: Benedetta Bellucci, Riccardo Fuccelli
Project Manager: Ana Paula Avetti
Written contributions by
Dalia Al-Dujaili, Robin Sara Stauder, Cosimo Bizzarri, Paula Kupfer.