Challenge yourself in the game of life, as you do in the game of sports – Pope Francis

logo, brand identity, website, spatial design

CRSL Carosello Lab built a strong brand framework for a foundation launched by The Pontifical Council of Culture (the Vatican), with the support of the International Olympic Committee, the Special Olympics and Allianz. We created a logo and visual system that simbolizes the intersecting values upon which the movement is based. We curated the design of the launch event at the Vatican in 2016 and we are still supporting the foundation through events in Argentina, Scotland, California and elsewhere.

The logo we designed is a symbol of cooperation and support, like two hands intertwining to form an umbreakable bond: a gesture often used by Mons. Melchor Sanchez de Toca to explain his vision of the foundation.
Opening Ceremony
Plenary Session with Pope Francis.
Set of Posters
The 6 Principles of Sport at the Service of Humanity: Balance, Compassion, Enlightenment, Joy, Love, Respect.
The Conference Welcome Kit

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